Continuing our Creative Chats, today we are featuring interior design extraordinaire, Meg Braff. You may remember Meg as one of our 2019 Holiday Tastemakers. She has been riding out the stay-at-home orders with her family in Florida where she and her husband recently relocated from their home in New York. Enjoy catching up with Meg below!
What is currently inspiring you?
I’m so inspired by the stories of the first responders and doctors who are on the front lines battling the virus. I’m also blown away by the generosity of the design community as a whole, especially by the inventive ways Charlotte Moss and Christina Juarez have rallied the design community around such worthy causes.
While I’ve been at home I have been reading and digging into my old design books that I rarely have time to browse. I’ve also been listing to Mitch Owens’ AD Aesthete podcast while doing chores around the house.
What is one positive to being at home for you during this time?
One positive thing about being home is the time I’ve had with my boys. Normally at this time of the year they are away at school, but since mid-March I’ve had all four of them with me in Florida. It’s been taxing for them, being inside, studying online and away from their friends; however, I am happy we can all be together during this uncertain time.
How are you practicing:
I’ve been planning a new cutting garden which I can’t wait to plant in a few weeks, and have also been scheming for some exciting new projects. I am also using this time to consider and develop new colorways for our wallpaper and fabric lines (previewed below).
Kindness (towards yourself and others)?
I’ve been on the phone even more than usual (which is really saying something!) keeping up with friends and family, and reaching out to those that I usually don’t speak that often. I think everyone appreciates a call, even a quick check-in.
Discipline (your work, your health, your routines)?
I have been trying to stay active every day, doing yoga at home, taking walks with friends (keeping our distance) or using the aqua bike. My team and I begin each day with a group FaceTime call, which is helping us keep a bit of normalcy and stay on track as best we can.

Name one item in your home that is bringing you joy or that has new meaning in this time?
Last year my husband and I decided to move to Florida, where we have had an apartment for years. In the fall I realized that a little freshening up was in order. Since we were going to be there full time, I reupholstered my living room and dining room furniture, all of which had seen better days.
Little did I know that come spring, we’d be quarantined at home with our four boys! I sure am happy with my decision to reupholster, because my living room is bringing me joy every day.
We’re seeing a surge in physical correspondence as there is always something special about receiving a hand-written note and people now have more time. If you were to send a physical note to three of your Instagram friends, who would they be?
Tom Samet, Margot Shaw, and Steele Marcoux
What are three of your favorite items or pattens currently on Dixie’s website?
English Ivy Dinner Party Invitation