While some brides spend years dreaming of the perfect wedding dress and some focus their attention on the event details, our Founder and CEO, Jennifer Hunt’s, bridal fixation was her wedding paper. While listening to her reminisce about her meticulous journey of selecting and printing her invitations 15 years ago, we couldn’t help but appreciate the precision to detail and high quality standards she held for her invitation’s finished product. “The process of designing my wedding invitations was the first time I realized how passionate and particular I was about pretty paper,” said Jennifer.
That passion for paper has certainly evolved as Dogwood Hill launched its 4th Wedding Collection last week! This newest release features five suites including our Signature Suite, which was inspired by Jennifer’s own traditional calligraphed wedding invitation.
Our Dogwood Hill designers created the Signature Suite for the traditional brides, like Jennifer, who are shopping for a classic wedding invitation. The suite features seven different variations of full typographic invitation designs that can be customized in 9 different font color options.
Along with the invitations, the suite also includes coordinating envelope designs, reply cards, and “details” cards found in the suite.
We love the idea of pairing one of these classic invitation styles with one of our other suites, such as using Riley Sheehey’s artwork in the Treillis Collection for envelope liners (pictured below) or adding some personality and color to the “details” card.
And be sure not to miss the darling folded and flat notecards we included in this suite! Their inclusion was also a nod to Jennifer. She had coordinating flat notecards designed to pen her bridal thank you notes. You can shop our Signature Suite here.
Photography: Mary Margaret Smith